NEVES, Marcos César Danhoni
Astronomia de régua e compasso: de Kepler a Ptolomeu
Campinas/SP, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, 1986. 242p. Dissertação de Mestrado. (Orientador: Carlos A. Arguello).
Resumo |
Desenvolve um programa de ensino da Primeira e Segunda Leis de Kepler, experimentando-o em diferentes grupos, situações e locais. O programa tem por base: a) estudo quantitativo dos fenômenos astronômicos ao longo do ensino como um todo, a partir da pré-escola, conduzindo ao aluno as técnicas e hábitos de observação da natureza e a formulação de perguntas geradoras; b) instrumentalização simples das observações astronômicas, procurando elaborar "criativamente" instrumentos elementares, que produzam resultados semi-quantitativos; c) apresentação das leis fundamentais como resposta às perguntas geradas nas etapas anteriores; d) instrumentalização das leis fundamentais, simplificando-as se necessário, para pô-las ao alcance das técnicas dominadas pelo aluno (matemática e experimentos) e permitir a sua utilização; e) utilização das leis, simplificadas ou não, para descrição quantitativa ou semi-quantitativa dos fenômenos físicos, previsão de situações e discussões alternativas; f) importância da visão histórica do desenvolvimento dos conceitos astronômicos e a sua inserção contínua na elaboração do material didático. Apresenta o texto produzido (editado como livro), análises críticas dos textos de ensino de 1º, 2º e 3º graus, análises e avaliações dos cursos ministrados e as sugestões decorrentes das atividades. Para o futuro, sugere a integração completa dos seis itens (que já está sendo iniciada no NIMEC - Núcleo Interdisciplinar para Melhoria do Ensino de Ciências) e a abordagem similar de temas diferentes (Óptica, Acústica, Mecânica, Eletricidade, etc.).
Abstract |
The great variety of problems in teaching science suggests an infinity of different topics. In this work, we criticize the way some basics topics are explained and studied along 1st (first) and 2nd (second) degree. Laws are stated without any relation and any experiment or observation before the phenomenon of nature that those laws explain. These laws after being stated, they are not, in many cases, used practically or applied to the phenomenon of nature wich they are originated. In this way, the simple enunciation of laws or the presentation of the models completely disconnected with the reality, form an incomprehensive connection of topics wich kill the curiosity, observation and creativeness nd eliminating any possibility of development of "scientific attitude" in the student, propitianting the memorization conformity and "student mimesis".
We prefer criticize only one thematic example, so that we can develop deeply, the criticism as well as the solutions. The subject chose for us was Kepler's laws (the first ans the second), included Astronomy theme (example of the absurdity in the teaching of science).
the result and proposition of our work, are concise as following:
1. Qualitative study of astronomics phenomena along the teaching as a whole, from kindergarten school, leading the students to techniques and habits of observation of nature and formulation of generatives questions;
2. Simple instrumentalizations of astronomics observations trying to elaborate "with creativeness" elementary instruments, that give semi-quantitative results;
3. Presentation of fundamental laws as answer to questions appeared in the stages before;
4. Instrumentalization of fundamental laws simplifying them if necessary to be within reach of the techniques dominated by the students (mathematics and experiments) and allow them their utilization;
5. Utilization of laws, simplified or not, to quantitative or semi-quantitative description of the phisics phenomenoma; prevision of situations and discussions of alternatives;
6. importance of Historic Vision of the development of astronomic concepts and its constant insertion in the elaboration of didatic material.
In this present work we developed deeply the suggestions 3, 4, 5 e 6, testing them in different groups, situations and places.
We present the produced text (published as a book by Editora Papirus) critical analysis of teaching texts for 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree and analysis and valuations of the courses given and the suggestions originates from activities 1 and 2.
To the future, we suggest a complete interaction of six items (which is already being initiated in NIMEC) and the differents themes, wich are dealing with (Optics, Acoustics, Mechanics, Eletricity, etc. )
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