Fenômenos entre a interação Sol-Terra: criação, aplicação e discussão de um material experimental no Ensino Médio e Superior

PRUDENTE, Lucas Alves da Silva
Fenômenos entre a interação Sol-Terra: criação, aplicação e discussão de um material experimental no Ensino Médio e Superior
Presidente Prudente/SP, Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, 2018. 117p. Dissertação de Mestrado. (Orientador: Angel Fidel Vilche Peña).

Resumo O Ensino de Física teve sua importância enfatizada, no cenário educacional, nos últimos anos, contribuindo com várias pesquisas e trabalhos, que perpassam desde a Educação Básica ao Ensino Superior, principalmente em cursos de Licenciatura em Física ou Ciências e afins. Neste cenário, o ensino de astronomia, que está entre os temas abordados no Ensino Médio, tem-se mostrado aquém de sua relevância e significado em sua apresentação. Mediante este contexto, este trabalho elucidou a elaboração, construção e aplicação de dois equipamentos que apresentem de forma experimental a relação orbital entre o Sol e a Terra e seus fenômenos. O primeiro equipamento, um simulador Sol-Terra, ilustra de forma externa os fenômenos pertinentes à correlação entre os dois astros, e o segundo, um simulador do movimento relativo solar relaciona ao cotidiano os fenômenos existentes nesta relação. Como complemento e não menos importante, o presente trabalho apresenta roteiro de aplicação e questionários para verificação do nível de conhecimento dos alunos do Ensino Médio e Superior em dois momentos, antes e após a aplicação do mesmo, objetivando averiguar a eficácia do equipamento, possíveis melhorias e modificações, visando a utilização dos professores na Educação Básica.
Palavras-chave Ensino de Física, Formação de Professores, Ensino Experimental de Astronomia, Astronomia no Ensino Médio.
Abstract The teaching of physics had its importance with emphasis, without educational subordination, in the last years, contributing with the several researches and works, that passed the Basic Education to Higher Education, mainly in Degree courses in Physics or Sciences and related. In this scenario, the teaching of astronomy, which is among the topics addressed in basic education, has as its priority its relevance, importance and meaning in its presentation. This study context is this paper in an development, construction and application of two devices that functional for experimental the between the Sun and the Earth and their phenomena. The first equipment, a Sun-Earth simulator, is an illustration of an external system for the interaction between the two body, and the second, a simulator of movement relative to the solar relation with the daily life of the female carriers in this relation. As a complement and not less important, the present paper presents an application script and questionnaires to verify the level of knowledge of high school and graduate students before and after an application of the equipment, aiming to ascertain the student's ability to make improvements and modifications, aiming at a use of teachers in Basic Education.
Keywords The teaching of physics had its importance with emphasis, without educational subordination, in the last years, contributing with the several researches and works, that passed the Basic Education to Higher Education, mainly in Degree courses in Physics or Sciences and related. In this scenario, the teaching of astronomy, which is among the topics addressed in basic education, has as its priority its relevance, importance and meaning in its presentation. This study context is this paper in an development, construction and application of two devices that functional for experimental the between the Sun and the Earth and their phenomena. The first equipment, a Sun-Earth simulator, is an illustration of an external system for the interaction between the two body, and the second, a simulator of movement relative to the solar relation with the daily life of the female carriers in this relation. As a complement and not less important, the present paper presents an application script and questionnaires to verify the level of knowledge of high school and graduate students before and after an application of the equipment, aiming to ascertain the student's ability to make improvements and modifications, aiming at a use of teachers in Basic Education.
Nível Mestrado